9.4.2010 | 15:38
Indiepopp dagsins - MJ Hibbett and the Validators
Ekki veit ég nś neitt af viti um žetta band, en žetta er flott lag meš skemmtilegum texta. Og žetta er fyndi af žvķ aš žaš er satt. Nś er bara aš leggja vel viš hlustir og lęra "indie kid" dansinn. "Do the indie kid" heitir žessi smellur.
At the height of Britpop
I found myself in France
I went to an Indie Disco
There to dance
The French were enthusiastic
They served the beer in pints
But they partied like it was
They frugged and strutted like
Un jardin du poulets
I said Regardez
Ecoutez et repetez
Hands behind your back
And bounce your hips
Move your feet around
And do the Indie Kid
At weddings that I go to
The first hour of the DJ's set
Is when they play the songs that
The groom requests
At Mileage's reception
There was a small dancing hardcore
Of old schoolfriends until
My parents took to the floor
They started twisting to The Pixies
I could have died
I said Mother, if you must
Please do it right
Hands behind your back
And bounce your hips
Move your feet around
And do the Indie Kid
I was chatting to a colleague
About LINUX for PCs
And spent the next five hundred
Years asleep
When I woke the world had altered
Especially for The Kids
In that the radio
Played songs that went like this
They leapt around like
Milkmen on a motorway
They needed someone hep
To show the way
So I said 'Hey!'
Hands behind your back
And bounce your hips
Move your feet around
And do the Indie Kid
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
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