[MP3] Ultrasport


Finnar eru skemmtileg žjóš. Margir eru hinsvegar sammįla um aš Helsinki sé alveg afspyrnu ljót borg. Žetta vita félagarnir ķ Ultrasport, enda er hljómsveitin frį Helsinki. Į plötu žeirra, False Start City, sem kom śt ķ fyrra er aš finna skemmtilegan óš til borgarinnar, "God save the Architects". Fyrir utan Madness-legan saxófónleik undir lok lagsins, žį er žetta meš žvķ skemmtilegra sem ég hef heyrt undanfariš. Og textinn er hjartnęmur.

Ultrasport uppgötvaši ég įriš 2005 žegar žeir höfšu nżlega gefiš śt fyrstu breišskķfu sķna, Nothing Can Go Wrong, en titillag žeirrar plötu kemst aš mķnu mati ansi nįlęgt žvķ aš vera fullkomiš popplag.

Žvķ mišur er sveitin ekki lengur starfandi, en allir munu žeir vera aš vinna aš tónlist įfram, sitt ķ hvoru lagi. Žannig mun Juho, sem syngur og leikur į gķtar, vera ķ žann mund aš gefa śt MP3 smįskķfu undir heitinu Future Gravity. Mišaš viš fyrri afrek žį veršur forvitnilegt aš heyra žaš og mun ég aš sjįlfsögšu koma žvķ į framfęri hér.

[MP3] Ultrasport - God save the Architects
[MP3] Ultrasport - Nothing can go wrong

Textinn viš "God save the Architects":

God save those 1980's buildings
And 1970's too
'cause all that ugly architecture
it leads me back to you
Those north Helsinki suburbs
They meant nothing to me then
But one night on her mattress
Made me go back there again

God save those architects of ours
The perfect and the good
But especially the bad ones
The misunderstood
who built these ugly buildings
This ugly concrete house
For us to fill with our stuff
for us to fill with love
So let's go!

Hey sing your heart out
For this town
And these buildings
That surround it
And those silent men who never get praised enough
Sing your heart out
Hey sing it out

We try to love these small apartments
'Cause they're all we can afford
And all the little cracks in the ceiling
'cause they keep the rent so low
God save these ugly buildings
Our shelter from the cold
For us to fill with our stuff
For us for making love
So let's go!

Hey sing your heart out
For this town
And for these buildings
That surround it
And those silent men who never get praised enough
Hey, sing your heart out
Hey, sing it out

And keep their children away from harm
And smooth the wrinkles from the foreheads of those women that they love
And keep their hands from getting smashed
Oh, save these buildings
Oh, save them all!


[Ultrasport į Myspace]

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