[MP3] The Softies - Sleep away your troubles


Žegar hausverkurinn er aš drepa mann, įsamt yfirdręttinum, veltukortinu, lįnunum, vöxtunum og öllum hinum skuldunum, žį koma The Softies til bjargar meš fallegu lagi eins og "Sleep away your Troubles". 

Eins og ķ pistli gęrdagsins segir, žį var Jen Sbragia gķtarleikkona All Girl Summer Fun Band įšur ķ The Softies įsamt Rose Melberg. Žetta er talsvert ólķk tónlist, hugljśf og yfirmįta falleg. Ég er ekki frį žvķ aš hausverkurinn minnki ašeins. Kannski er žaš bara kaffiš. Sjįum hvort žetta virkar fyrir einhverja ašra.

[MP3] The Softies - Sleep away your troubles

If I beg you will you smother me
Just to put me out of my constant misery
This is too much for me to bear
You'd know this too if you ever had been there

I hope you have sweet dreams
And I hope You never leave me

I wander thorugh these empty halls
As the moon casts shadows of just me upon the walls
My time wasted in endless regret
While you sleep away your troubles and forget

I hope you have sweet dreams
And I hope you never leave me


[The Softies į Myspace]

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