[MP3] I've got a moped, you've got a helmet...


Colin Clary er fyrsta flokks lagahöfundur, og ofvirkur í meira lagi. Hann gefur út sóló plötur, og semur og spilar með hljómsveitunum The Smittens og Colin Clary and the Magogs. Seinastnefnda bandið sá ég á tónleikum í Bandaríkjunum 2005 og hreifst mjög af þeim. Colin þessi er fjörlegur hálffertugur náungi, alltaf brosandi og alltaf íklæddur röndóttum og slitnum peysum, líklega er hann jafn þekktur fyrir peysurnar sínar og tónlistina. Ein sólóplatan hans sem kom út 2005 er meira að segja íklædd peysu, með litlum brjóstvasa fyrir textablaðið. 

Tónlist hans er gott dæmi um þetta svokallaða Twee sem poppar sífellt oftar upp í tónlistarritum þessa dagana. Ég kann ekki rétt vel að skilgreina það en flestir sem spila Twee virðast eiga það sameiginlegt að vera indie lið sem hlustar á hávaða eins og My Bloody Valentine og Jesus and Mary Chain, en situr svo heima í svefnherbergi og semur sæt popplög á fjögurra rása upptökutæki.

Ég fékk leyfi Colins til að setja á netið tvö lög með honum sem ég held mikið uppá. Þau eru bæði af plötunni Her Life of Crime sem kom út árið 2005. Það er honum líkt að svara af miklum áhuga með fullt af upphrópunarmerkjum. Þetta hefur hann að segja um fyrra lagið, "Moped Rally":

"Moped Rally, was inspired by my friend Rob Hoehn’s enthusiasm about getting and riding mopeds. One day he got a bunch of us together and we took turns going for Moped rides – it was fun – and funny, too, I guess – Mopeds are such awesome and odd transporters!  So yes, there really was a moped rally afternoon – that song usually calls up good memories for me, and on a different level, I think the opening line just inspired me to write the song, too – it’s about sharing what you have – kind of like a pot luck dinner or anything where each person brings something different to the table. Also mopeds are better for there earth than cars and trucks."

[MP3] Colin Clary and the Magogs - Moped Rally 

Seinna lagið er "I only give you bad advice 'cause I love you", sem er afar hugljúft.

I guess it’s a sort of humorous song that I made up about a few things that were going on at the time....  At the time I made this one up I had been in the habit of writing and recording whole albums in one day – with David recording and me just blasting out quick songs as quick as he could hit the button to record – and I was susceptible to getting into a manic hangout phase with new friends – staying up all night talking and drinking and listening to records and stuff. Spending as much time together as possible, and sometimes getting into work later than I should.

Sometimes bad advice is good advice if it’s about honesty or what you think is good advice. I don’t know, I think if I explain everything away it might lose a bit of it’s magic..."

[MP3] Colin Clary and the Magogs - I only give you bad advice 'cause I love you

Textarnir við bæði lögin fylgja svo með hér:

Moped Rally

I've got a moped and you've got a helmet
we've got a friendship built around it - yeah!
oh, yeah!

Tell Rob.Hoehn.com that I got one
that I got one, oh yeah!
oh, yeah!

and here comes Ellie - she's got one, too
she's rockin' a tracksuit that's baby blue - oh yeah!
oh, yeah!

it's a moped rally Sunday afternoon
moped rally Sunday afternoon!

We'll ride down hills and pedal through
to meet the girls who like their mopeds, too, oh yeah!
oh, yeah!

it's a moped rally Sunday afternoon
moped rally Sunday afternoon!

I've got a moped and you've got a helmet
we've got a friendship built around it - yeah!
oh, yeah!

moped rally Sunday afternoon!

I only give you bad advice 'cos I love you

If you want a sundae, I'll bring you a sundae
if you want a Monday, I'll be there
and if  we get fired come Tuesday morning
because we're both late for work
well, I don't care

because we're friends
but we only get together sometimes
because I tend to lose my mind around you
yeah, I guess that's something I do
I only give you bad advice 'cos I love you

you've heard the songs where I say that I love you
and you've heard the songs where I miss you
and if I write an album on Tuesday morning
you should tell your dumb boyfriend I kissed you

because we're friends
but we only get together sometimes
because I tend to lose my mind around you
yeah, I guess that's something I do
I only give you bad advice 'cos I love you

yeah, we're friends
but we only get together sometimes
because I tend to lose my mind around you
yeah, I guess that's something I do
I only give you bad advice 'cos I love you

[Colin Clary and the Magogs á Myspace]

Vídeó við lagið "Shape of this Town" einnig af Her Life of Crime:

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1 Smámynd: Georg P Sveinbjörnsson

Takk fyrir upplýsingar og linka...alltaf gaman að uppgvöta nýja tónlist.

Georg P Sveinbjörnsson, 31.10.2007 kl. 18:54

2 Smámynd: Magnús Axelsson

Takk fyrir það, ánægjulegt að vita að einhver hefur gaman af þessu :)

Magnús Axelsson, 1.11.2007 kl. 10:25

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