[MP3] Coldplay - Brįšskemmtilegur dómur um Viva la Vida


Žaš er vošalega hipp og kśl aš dissa Coldplay žessa dagana. Mér hefur alltaf fundist žeir fķnir, en hinsvegar hefur mér alveg lįšst aš tékka į nżjustu afurš žeirra, Viva la Vida. Eftirfarandi plötudómur segir lķklegast allt sem žarf, fenginn aš lįni frį rateyourmusic.com:

"I have to say, I wasn't expecting a new U2 album any time soon.  They've got their two albums in for this decade, I figured.  Imagine my surprise, then, when I heard a new U2 album playing at the record store last week.  

"What's this new U2 album you're playing called?" I asked the kid at the counter.

"Coldplay?" he said.  Dope must've had wax in his ears.  I clearly had to avoid confusing him with things like band names and multi-syllabel words.

"This one, this cd that you're playing this very second, the notes of which I can hear ringing in my ears.  What's it called?!"  I spoke loudly and slowly so the young genius would understand.

He pointed to a rack of new releases.  "Viva la Vida," he said with a smirk.  The little shit.  At least I knew what the release was called now.

"You have that in vinyl?"

He pointed to a rack of records next to the new release cds.  "Comes with a cd," he said.  "Fuck cds," I thought, but I kept that to myself.  I was getting the new U2 album on vinyl and just from the snippet I was hearing at the store it sounded better than anything I'd heard them record in years.

I didn't wait to put the record on when I got home.  I went straight to my turntable, and after revelling on that unmatched feeling of removing the shrink wrap on a new record, I tossed it onto the turntable.  I have to admit, at first I was a little disappointed.  We've heard them do this intro before on the opener of The Joshua Tree.  It's the exact same keyboard part, just played a little faster.  Well, it didn't take long for the song to open up a bit, and then I understood what was going on--U2 was paying homage to themselves with this track.  Soon The Edge's trademark digital delay sound was filling the room along with Bono's nasally vocals and I was in heaven.  They haven't sounded this good in years.  Bono's voice is a little thinner than normal.  I suppose it's age.

There are a lot of keyboards on Viva la Vida, more than one would expect from the Irish lads.  I suppose it could have something to do with the theme of this record.  They've done albums about God, death, adolescence, America and Berlin, what better way to tie the music into this record's theme--the French Revolution--than with lots of piano.  The revolutionaries played piano a lot, right?

Side one is full of soon-to-be-classic U2 songs, including "42", "Lovers in Japan", "Cemeteries of London" and "Reign of Love".  Didn't they already record a song called "Reign of Love"?  Is that just my imagination?  Could be, I suppose.  It's got some great Rattle and Hum-era guitar tones on it, like stuff from "Heartland".  That Edge, he's a freakin' genius.  "42" is one of the better songs on Viva la Vida, a fine match to its predecessor "40" from War.  What happened to "41", though?  I haven't been following the band closely enough, I guess.

Side two is pretty good, too.  Bono gives us some of his falsetto vocals on the title track.  Good stuff.  The funny thing is, occasionally, and especially on side two, it does sound a little like Coldplay.  I can see why that little record store twit would be confused.  

Viva la Vida is easily the best U2 album I've heard in a long, long time."

Mešan ég var aš gręja žennan póst, žį hlustaši ég į titillagiš, og get nś ekki sagt annaš en aš žaš sökkar massķvt, svona viš fyrstu hlustun allavegana. Žaš er einhver let-them-know-it's-christmas fķlingur ķ žessu. Ég į svo eftir aš éta žaš ofan ķ mig žegar žetta er oršiš uppįhaldslagiš mitt eftir nokkra daga.

Viš skulum žvķ leggja vel viš hlustir og spila žaš hérna, sem og nokkur remix af laginu, og einhver önnur lög af plötunni lķka, og kķkjum svo į vķdeó viš titillagiš. Engin įbyrgš er tekin į endingu žessara linka.

Hvernig finnst ykkur annars nżja platan?

[MP3] Coldplay - Viva la Vida
[MP3] Coldplay - Viva la Vida (Chark Mu Electric Remix)
[MP3] Coldplay - Viva la Vida (Telemitry Remix)
[MP3] Coldplay - Viva la Vida (Starters Remix)
[MP3] Coldplay - Viva la Vida (We Plants are Happy Plants Remix)
[MP3] Coldplay - Lost
[MP3] Coldplay - Yes
[MP3] Coldplay - Violet Hill

Myndband viš lagiš. Vošalega pirrar žaš mig žegar fólk er aš hamast į gķtar ķ myndbandi en svo heyrist ekkert ķ honum ķ laginu. Nema aušvitaš ef bandiš er frį Spįni og heitir La Casa Azul. Meira um žį vitleysinga brįšum.


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1 identicon

Ég er aš dżrka žessa Coldplay-plötu alla, og hef aldrei fķlaš neitt meš žeim įšur. Sérstaklega hrifin af téšu "42"-lagi, og datt ekkert u2 ķ hug. En dómurinn er fyndinn. Datt hins vegar My bloody Valentine ķ hug śt af sumum gķtarsįndum. Įstęšan fyrir gęšunum: Brian Eno pródśsar plötuna. Hśn er vęgast sagt ęši! Hlusta mikiš į hana uppķ skķfu, leifsstöš, žar sem ég er aš vinna.

Heiša (IP-tala skrįš) 17.8.2008 kl. 19:46

2 identicon

Er žaš hipp og kśl? Nś jęja, žį hef ég alltaf veriš hipp og kśl

Ragga (IP-tala skrįš) 17.8.2008 kl. 22:08

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