[MP3] Slumberland Records

Ég minntist um daginn á Slumberland Records, en sú ágćta útgáfa gefur brátt út smáskífu og breiđskífu The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. Eitthvađ hlýtur ţá ađ vera variđ í útgáfuna, og ekki sakar ađ slagorđ ţeirra er "Keeping it foolish since 1989".

Ykkur til hćgđarauka fylgir hér texti af vefsíđur ţeirra, og svo glás af MP3:

Slumberland began operations in 1989 as a collective effort consisting of members of DC area bands Velocity Girl, Big Jesus Trash Can/Whorl, Black Tambourine and Powderburns. We were inspired by such musical happenings as C-86, early Creation, Postcard, K, Bus Stop, lower East Side noise, and also the renegade art aesthetics of people like Cage, Burroughs and Duchamp. We were complete musical neophytes but so pumped-up about all the amazing things going on in post-punk independent music that we just had to jump in.

The explosion of punk had left behind a thriving network of 'zines, labels and distributors and we felt that there was room for our noise-loving, pop-obsessed aesthetic. While there were loads of US indie labels releasing a steady stream of 7"s, there wasn't much pop going on. Notable exceptions included Bus Stop, K and Picture Book, and we hoped to join that group and help chisel out some space for melodies amongst the noise.

Early releases from Velocity Girl and Black Tambourine struck a note, and we found like-minded popsters getting in touch from all over the world. As we expanded the label roster and our own horizons, the goal was always to bring you great songs and interesting sounds from a range of styles. And so it continues almost twenty years later and 80 releases later. We still get excited about listening to and sharing new music, and hope to be delivering sublime slabs of pop beauty for many years to come.

Hlustum á nokkur lög. Flest af ţessum böndum ţekki ég í sjálfu sér ekki neitt, nema The Softies, en ţetta er smekkleg blanda af noisepop/twee/jangle og ţađ er alltaf gott. The Softies innihélt Rose Melberg sem stimplađi sig hressilega inn međ sóló plötu á seinasta ári, og Jen Sbragia sem einhverjir ţekkja kannski úr All Girl Summer Fun Band, sem er algerlega stórkostleg hljómsveit. Ţetta er bara lítiđ brot af öllum lögunum sem hćgt er ađ sćkja hjá Slumberland.

[MP3] The Lodger - The Conversation
[MP3] The Lodger - The Good old Days
[MP3] Velocity Girl - I don't care if you go
[MP3] Velocity Girl - My forgotten Favorite
[MP3] Honeybunch - Candy Breath
[MP3] Boyracer - Sunshine and Violence
[MP3] Boyracer - Passionflower
[MP3] Go Sailor - Windy
[MP3] Rocketship - I love you like the way I used to
[MP3] Rocketship - I'm lost without you here
[MP3] The Softies - Count  to Ten
[MP3] The Softies - Selfish
[MP3] The Aisler Set - The Way to Market Station
[MP3] The Aisler Set - One half laughing
[MP3] 14 Iced Bears - Like a Dolphin
[MP3] Sarandon - Joe's Record
[MP3] Sarandon - Mike's Dollar
[MP3] The Crabapples - London belongs to me, Pt 2

Frumburđur The Crabapples var smáskífa á floppy disk. Sjá hér.

[Heimasíđa Slumberland]

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